Here you can read a series of stories reminiscing about life in the neighbourhood.  Any reader is welcome to submit their story or stories passed down from parents or grandparents.

E-mail me at

Site Map for My Neighbourhood Stories

Prelude to my neighbourhood stories
Cornwall School
The Police
The Tuberculin test
The Back Lane
The Mean Man (The Unhappy Man)
The Little Girl down the Street
High Heels
Church Angels
Uptown/Downtown Port Arthur
Lace Curtains and the Missile Crisis
The Laundromat
Pushy (The Cat in my Neighbourhood)
Corner Stores & the Good Old A&P
Sock Ball
The Christmas Doll 1961  ***NEW***

Upcoming stories:

Raiding the garden
Favourite 1960's tv shows
The Bay/Machar Avenue horse barn
Ski Crafter
The time capsule
Mandarin oranges
Snow Days

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